Wednesday, November 15, 2017

A Game of Clones

As if we were all just standing around in a circle not making eye contact with anyone else while a game of double-dutch proceeded in front of us, in the middle of us all and it was anyone's turn, but we watched the whirling web, waiting for when we should jump in without getting choked or tripped up and falling flat on our faces-stopping the game and being that one that has 'bad timing' and coming to the conclusion that the ones that so seamlessly folded themselves in and out-were pushed-by an outside agent-we would like to think this
survival of the fittest game has no formal rules and subsequently may just work if given enough rope-
it's anyone's game.

Photograph By State Library of Queensland, Australia [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons.

Say "Life" but mean Death

Pieces of the Pi bring it around full circle. Writing about writing about it. 
A spectacle, even.

First, there was Hoarfrost. This was the ideal expression of crystals to stimulate fractal growth.
Then there were 6,800 languages spoken around the planet.
Now, excluding familial words, there live “untranslatable words”:
wabi-sabi (Japanese)-finding beauty in imperfection
ma (Japanese)-negative space, blankness, vacancy-a tangible pause
waldeinsamkeit (German) is-being alone in the woods
schadenfreude (German) joy or pleasure derived from another persons pain, injury, or suffering

Where lies stability?  

Words adapt? How do we know? Survival of the popular-who peaked and fell off the Ngram
(in high school)?

We could say-instead of ‘Red’, somewhere between 620-750 nanometer wavelength,
in lieu of ‘Temperature’ say, the average speed of a group of particles,
instead of ‘Gravity’, call it, the geometry of spacetime, and it would take more time-
but based on the maximum velocity of human hearing and thought, 
might meaning mean more than the time
it takes to say? (in thought)

All proteins are comprised of the same 20 amino acids.
26 letters have been manipulated infinitely.
One string plucked makes its own sound, vibrating sounds together make overlap find accord,
a harmony with the difference, indefinitely, musical.
Together they work to do something together, making sound fall somewhere
between movements and notations.

Alone and smaller, pieces of the whole can only spin, ready and waiting. The inertial duty. 
Purpose is a master; a goal is a favor, 
it projects colors.

Then there is the accrual function,
the tools in our box, the letters in a chain, we need those. The storing of information as stuff,
fills in the blanks, overflows with old technology, duplicates should be checked. 

A miracle is rare because it has never been imagined. Language is like that. 
Words keep meaning if they are needed.
Any word is unimaginable.

The second law of thermodynamics is pointed toward entropy.
Originated in chaos. Now, is the future more exciting than the past?
Open systems, like open boxes, allow the cat out of the box before Schrodinger could sneeze.
This was unforeseen. 

Anticipation needs others to work for it.
Anticipation tries to predict, it does not propose it knows.
Anticipation is bigger than one possibility, like translation,
it can be expressed as having more than one meaning, depending on temperature, 
color, geometry or vanishing point.

The first law of LIFE is to anticipate the end
anywhere on the circle. 

Painting by Abraham Mignon [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

*This piece was inspired by another wonderful article featured on Nautilus, "How Do You Say "Life" in Physics?" written by Allison Eck.