Saturday, April 27, 2019

rare (in the middle)

We can only ever really come to know ourselves.
Honoring oneself is continuous action.
We stand up-right because we must
be able to move quickly.
As I am learning to love
and respect myself, deeply, I am more
open and receptive
to Others-
which results in an Awareness
I had
been trying to blind myself from.
Looking away does not make any-thing go away.
When we shut out the bad we shut out the good,
and none of the above was real.

There is only one way to escape.
The truth sets us free.
There is only one Way,
to be truly Free
and we must own our truth,
it is our Deed.
If we hold value in this
we can show it and share it with Others.
This is good pride.
We can be proud of ourselves for doing the
we are doing on ourselves.

To each other, bound and gagged.
We have made no vows.
We honor no vows.
We cherish, nor keep promises
taut, and unspoken
loyalty we have given,
more there is obligation in place
of Devotion.

There were missteps and leaps
in Love, like falling and landing
makes its greatest impact

And so it was
where I found myself
falling in Love
not for me to know

Painting by Marion Boyd Allen (1862–1941) [Public domain].