Sunday, June 28, 2015

It's about Time

I'm sure you've learned that the Earth is mostly water. We've adapted to this quite well.
Learning how to sail (sale) on the Complacent sea, all of us are searching, wandering, floating or steering, flotsam, jetsam, breadcrumbs and footprints. We are biodegradable and unstable, when we break down we put up a fight. This is sometimes called resistance, or a rip current.
Currently, some of us are lost and some found a map, but nobody can translate it accurately. Symbolically, some shipmates glasses are half full with doubt, they'll never figure it out.
Whirled peas, Alumni from Dumbguy U., Co-Exist, lofty liberalism I insist is the same as Righteousness, with Tolerance thrown out. Left to fend for themselves, a baby learns to dog paddle with or without apparent fear or trepidation, fitness survives. A baby lightly bobs between water and air, suspended and unweighted by heavy social lead.
Why do we listen to all the positively negative nonsense we call news? There's nothing new about hatred, it has not evolved to date, not even in the last Google algorithmic update. Malware.
Why can't we all get along? We'll never agree. Reducing the problem down to its LCD, the lowly ones are singularly stoic. Grounded in futility, they stand unmoved by any urgency.
As the clock ticks by I remember pennies and seconds, those disappearing dirigibles that go up with inflation before remembering, like an elephant in the skyroom, we can all see it.
The solution as clear as the sun.
What time is it where you are? It's almost three, here. Somewhere else its eight right now.
There it is, one anomaly on which we both agree. Except when we are trying to save daylight, or leap around, rounding off the edges of time. Even or oddly if its early or late, we both somewhat have the same date, or season, for understandings reason.
We should start there, or here.
Synchronizing our watches and fine-tuning our ears, recalibrating our empathetic monitors and juxtapositioning our consciousness, realigning our common ground.
Discovering, recovering our sense of equilibrium we will succumb to worldly agreement.
It's about Time
Eddie, the whirled doesn't revolve around Us.
But over all earthly territories, we have already proven we can agree,
This is our Time
we created,
ego's lost in the Legas Sea.

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