Tuesday, April 24, 2018


The jetliner makes an Emergency landing in a flat open wheat field somewhere in the middle of the North American continent.
The inflatable Emergency exit slide unfurls and inflates outside of the rounded door on the port side of the plane.
It takes 4.6 seconds for each person to get out, and get down to solid ground, one at a time.
It takes 11.5 minutes for all bodies, pilot and crew included, to escape the Emergency situation and certain impending danger.
Smoke billows out of nooks and crannies, gaping holes and through welded seams, the pilot sweating,
inside the plane reaches 122 degrees, meanwhile powdered sugar snow lay in sporadic piles waiting for rain to make icing.
The one hundred and twenty-eight passengers run and scatter like birds flying the coup, while flames lick the oval windows, they run for their lives-
And then-upon reaching 53.3 yards distance away, they all stop to a screaming halt, fan out and reversing course, approach the engulfed jetliner, arms raised, their eyes locked on a wreck-tangled screen, not seeing the Emergency vehicles, the red dots spread.

Photo credited by www.Pixel.la Free Stock Photos (flight-plane-accident-crash) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

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