Friday, August 30, 2019

Here ye

Nobody really listens. They plan their next move instead of watching. There are so many distractions it takes effort to concentrate on what is more important than our own perspective.
There is never enough time to absorb all of the information available about anything interesting.
I listen to the lecture while at work because it is all I can do to plug the brain drain of monotony intentionally not named 'slavery' but 'employee'.
The topic of the lecture stimulates me mentally while I simultaneously liquidate my soul by the minute, comatose to the genuine, smiles and customer service take precedence.
And in intervals of 60 I hear the coins drop into a shallow well and I take note that this lecture has been heard 18,046 times, or $180.46, after gas and coffee a net of $18, less than the ATM will give away. I hear half-attentively something familiar as if I have heard this before
-and I think I missed something, maybe half of what was said and I know this story. I have heard him tell it before. I wonder if I have heard it all before. Since he is a writer, he has written this all before.
I think of how creative one must be to make any money being creative.
I found a recorded video from one of his elite retreats which received 4,627 views in 5 years, 5 months and 5 days. I note how it doesn't take much to be notable. He is quotable, sincere, and it has been nearly a year of selling my-self short-sighted-ly. I listen at 1.5 times the speed so I can cover more distance in the same time-except when I know the ending. I quit.
Anyways, who listens to the whole thing? Have I learned anything today?
Who speaks and who pays? I wonder how many want to know what the point of all of this trading paper money for time. The secret to the success of others may be-not having to listen to others repeating themselves and we still are too busy-helping others before if someone that does not know us could say the right way for us to live, a definite direction we could take that would lead us to more time to say, is anyone listening? Did I say this already?

Photo credit: Unknown photographer [Public domain], Paul Dudley White c. 1954.

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